Administrative Services

Management Approach

Exceed provides a decentralized management approach with full operational control and authority residing with the contract Program Manager. We have developed strategies and goals to provide effective and efficient implementation of the Statement of Work requirements. Email for a detailed list of strategies we have developed.

Task Order Management

We have defined a systematic approach for managing process flows from identification of requirements to evaluation of contractor’s performance. Email  for additional information.

Rapid Response Staffing

In addition to maintaining a pool of resumes of full-time candidates and refreshing it every thirty days, we also have an agreement to obtain temporary and part-time resources from other large staffing companies. Using an Exceed field-tested approach to recruiting, Exceed can reduce days required to fill full-time positions by moving this activity off the critical path. Email for additional information.

Administrative services we provide include

  • Web site and Content Management
  • Telephone and Reception Services
  • Meeting services
  • Information Dissemination
  • Document Management
  • Records Management
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Purchase and Order Management